Sunday, May 27, 2007

Safety At Home

We are all concerned about the safety and security of our homes. We would like to install safety devices in our home to protect it. But many of us do not know how to proceed to ensure safety at home. Below are some suggestions;
- Your neighborhood police station will have a number of suggestions for home safety. Check with them for novel safety solutions to protect your home.
- Getting your property insured is an important safety measure for your house. Many insurance agencies, while insuring your house, will give you a list of safety devices that you can install in your house to protect it. Check with your insurance agent for details.
- Carbon Monoxide reduces the oxygen level in the surrounding air. Electrical appliances and household aides give off deadly carbon monoxide, if they are not regularly serviced. Protect your home from carbon monoxide by properly servicing all appliances periodically. You could install carbon monoxide detectors in your house as well.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Prescription Safety Glasses

I have been wearing goggles over my glasses to work for several years now. STUPID me! I found out recently that there are prescription safety glasses that I could wear on site. I was quite skeptical about it but went to the optician and had a pair of safety glasses with progressive lens made. It felt good and I can see well. A little uncomfortable at first with the side guard but got used to them quickly. Now all my guys in the shop are wearing them. Feels great and safe at the same time. It sure beats trying to force them to wear those uncomfortable goggles.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Joy Ride Lorry

I was driving along after another miserable game of golf. Saw some guys having a great time on the back of this lorry. Two were standing up, one was sitting on the tail gate and another sitting on the top of the hand rail. These are young boys who do not know better....This is Singapore and we are supposed to be really safety conscious. Looks like we have a long way to go when it comes to SAFETY.

Monday, May 14, 2007

On The Road

Emergency welding repair is sometimes called for UNDER special circumstances. This is definitely one of those special situations. I hope there is gas in the tank as well

Stand Up High

Got this shots off the net as well.

Really brave standing up that high. I don't think I have that kind of courage... but some people do.

In The Air

Got this picture off the net. 100 marks for innovation and creativity. However, the risk involved is, in my view too great.

Great picture. Good example of what not to do..